Sakinah, NurRiady, Hari Tubagus2023-01-092023-01-092017-02-10 each building certainly has a door that is used. In addition to these doors is a top security measures. Therefore, safeguards on a door must be maximized. This research aims to improve the security of a door being more maximum, so there are no vain people without permission to enter the door. There are several ways to maximize the security of the door, one of them namely the magnetic system. A magnetic system are attached to an electric current with a voltage of 220 volts with the help of the application on the door and it will not be accessible to people who are not interested.idTeknik ElektroElektronikaTeknik dan Ilmu yang BerkaitanIlmu Komputer, Pengetahuan, SistemSistem Penguncian Pintu Otomatis Menggunakan Aplikasi AndroidThesis