Sugandi, BudiToar, HandriAlfianto, Ary2023-01-092023-01-092017-05-15 Manipulator is used in various processes, one of them in the field of medicine. Doctors use tools such as robot manipulator as a tool to translate hand movements to perform surgery. In other applications, the movement of the robot manipulator uses the joystick so in use it needs the ability to control the robot manipulator. Based on the above exposure the author makes a robot manipulator control system using hand movement, so from the results of the study designed a control system that connects the robot manipulator with stereo camera using TCP IP connection. The method used in this research is offline and online method, which is offline method that result of data received from stereo camera will be shown visual robot manipulator on PC, while method of online data received from input will be sent to PC server using communication of TCP IP to control the robot manipulator. The conclusion and result of this research, the robot manipulator can move in accordance with the movement of the hand offline and online, and the movement speed of the robot manipulator movement approaches the speed of hand movement when the internal speed of the robot manipulator is 100%.idTeknik ElektroMekatronikaIlmu Komputer, Pengetahuan, SistemTeknik dan Ilmu yang BerkaitanKendali Lengan Robot Manipulator Menggunakan Kamera StereoThesis