Wibowo, AriZega, Selly ArtatyMalik, M. Mulyo2023-01-092023-01-092015https://repository.polibatam.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/1187Television is one of the well-known telecommunications medium that serves to receive moving images along with sound , either black and white or color images . Television also has become a daily necessity that is used as a medium of entertainment among the lower class to the upper class . The development of technology makes the spread of television in the world very rapidly and make a television production increased . One is the latest technology smart TV , with many television manufacturers producing smart TV , then there is competition or competition smart TV sales. One of these manufacturers are producing Synergy Synergy Smart TVs , require a media campaign to show the technology and features of the products , one of which is to create a media campaign themed advertising with 3D animation techniques . It is hoped that this can present a feature ads in the form of 3D animation technology that can attract the attention of the audience .idTeknik InformatikaMultimedia & JaringanFotografi, Seni Komputer, Film, VideoAnimatedVideo ProductionTelevisionPerancangan Video Animasi 3D Sebagai Promosi Barang Produksi Smart Televisi (Synergy Smart Tv)3D Animation Design as a Promotional Video Production Of Smart Tv (Synergy Smart Tv)Thesis