Resda, Dodi PrimaSepriadi, AhmadResda, Dodi Prima2025-01-042024http:// the context of vocational higher education, the existence of PORSENI (Sports and Arts Week) has a very important role in enriching student experience. One aspect that stands out in PORSENI is the Photography competition. Photography as a visual art has great potential in conveying messages of education and beauty. However, there is still a lack of research that specifically examines how photography composition affects the understanding and interpretation of the message conveyed in a work. This study examines the photographic composition in the work titled "Your Smile is Full of Knowledge When Teaching Me" by Ahmad Sepriadi, who is a participant in the PORSENI Photography competition. Descriptive qualitative method is used to analyze the visual structure and techniques that support the message in the work. This research aims to provide deeper insights into how photographic composition can enhance the expressive power and artistic value of a work, as well as contribute to an appreciative understanding of art and creative approaches in an educational context.otherSOCIAL SCIENCES::Statistics, computer and systems science::Informatics, computer and systems science::Information technologyANALISIS ELEMEN KOMPOSISI DAN TEKNIK FOTOGRAFI PADA FOTO “SENYUMANMU PENUH ILMU KETIKA MENGAJARIKU” KARYA AHMAD SEPRIADI DALAM KOMPETISI PORSENI POLIKANT 2022ANALYSIS OF COMPOSITIONAL ELEMENTS AND PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES IN THE PHOTO "YOUR SMILE IS FULL OF KNOWLEDGE WHEN TEACHING ME" BY AHMAD SEPRIADI IN THE COMPETITION OF PORSENI POLIKANT 2022ArticleNIM4312001101NIDN0005018607KODEPRODI90349#TEKNOLOGI_REKAYASA_MULTIMEDIA