Prayoga, SenanjungArifin, MuhammadSirait, Irwanto2023-01-092023-01-092017-12-12 technology is technologies where everyone can do something without having to act directly. With the convenience offered, the human need for automation will always increase. One example is sience practical module there GLB (uniform linear motion) and GLBB (accelerated linear motion) based labview, Operation practical module GLB and GLBB manually is not optimal on operation. Practical module GLB and GLBB based labview is deemed able to solve these problems. Simply by pressing the push button on the panel, then we can operate the module after that read grafic with labview application.idTeknik ElektroElektronikaIlmu Komputer, Pengetahuan, SistemTeknik dan Ilmu yang BerkaitanModul Praktikum GLB dan GLBB Berbasis LabviewThesis