Rokhayati, YoniAli, Suryati2023-01-092023-01-092015-01-20 Batam’s Library still using the procedure of lending books manually that uses the book for recording the lending books. The data of lending books recorded manually can experience buildup because if that book is full then the book can’t used again. Data mining is one of analyze’s tool that can fix the buildup to data. This final project do the analyze and make the system about benefits of data mining in lending books in the library. Algorithm of data mining used to analyze the data of lending books is FP-Growth from association method. This algorithm in the form of development FP-tree that finally will result in some association rules. This association rules will be used to puts the books which are often borrowed by the adjacent. Association rules which is obtained, applied to the system built using programming language Java Netbeans. So the association of books from category books can showed by this system in order to facilitate administrators and visitors of the library.Teknik InformatikaInformatikaEngineering and Allied Operations (Teknik dan Ilmu yang Berkaitan)Library and Information Science (Perpustakaan dan Ilmu Informasi)Computer Sciences, Knowledge, Systems (Ilmu Komputer, Pengetahuan, Sistem)Analisis Data Pola Peminjaman Buku Menggunakan Algoritma Fp-Growth (Studi Kasus Perpustakaan Otorita Batam)Data Analysis of Book Borrowing Patterns Using the Fp-Growth Algorithm (Case Study of the Batam Authority Library)Thesis