Wikanta,PrasajaSihite,Baktiar2025-01-032024-07-09JAEEhttp:// Page Article, Lembar pengesahan, Borang publikasiPT Infineon Technologies Cegled is a company operating in the semiconductor sector, PT Infineon Technologies Cegled was founded in 1996. PT Infineon Technologies Cegled produces high-power semiconductor modules to support the advancement of various technologies, such as electric cars and environmentally friendly turbines. In assembling a module, there are various process stages that go through, one of the processes is frame assembly. Several stages in the frame assembly process, namely Chip Attachment - PCB Wire Assembly - X-ray - AOI - Glue - Frame Installation - Riveting. During the module assembly process, there were several product failures caused by imperfect glue on the packaging and poor clamp installation. This results in the module not meeting the company's quality standards, where the company has good or appropriate product quality standards.enTECHNOLOGY::Industrial engineering and economy::Manufacturing engineering and work sciences::Manufacturing engineeringTECHNOLOGY::Electrical engineering, electronics and photonics::ElectronicsFailure Analysis of Module Assembly on Combi Machine (Gluing and Riveting)ArticleNIM3222101049NIDN1018097701KODEPRODI005029#TEKNIKELEKTRONIKAMANUFAKTUR