Bayu Aji, SatriyaAisyah Faedatun Rahma Aisyah Faedatun Rahma2025-02-142024-10-21IEEE study aims to design a website-based information system for the Neighborhood Association (RT) of Cendana Residential Area Phase II to facilitate administrative management and communication between the RT committee and residents. The methods used include requirements analysis, system design, development using PHP, and testing. The results show that the website improves the ef iciency of resident data management, information distribution, and activity reporting. Evaluation indicates that the developed system is useful and reliable in supporting RT activities. The website is expected to foster more ef ective communication and transparency in RT management.otherInformation SystemWebsiteNeighborhood AssociationResidential AreaAdministrationCommunicationPerancangan Website Sistem Informasi Rukun Tetangga Perumahan Cendana Tahap IIArticleNIM 3312111098NIDN 0018088807KODEPRODI005029#TEKNIK_INFORMATIKA