Sugandi, BudiRamli, Dwi Ayu Imardiyanti2023-01-092023-01-092018-06-04 and Machine has a different visual ability, machine can make a million color on their visual, so people are among capacity vision. A machine can be aware of color and different objects at using reading, while all have to recall color and object he has seen. On the visual system machine, an optical instrument hail recording could not immediately be interpreted, definition on the identified by computer. Therefor a computer system needed processing first image. In part used is a feature color and dimension, used first is segmentation at visual. This project uses the RGB method. By the presence of problems were obtained a method of detection color and the dimensions on a machine barrier goods. By which objects of objects when detected by a camera will read color and dimensions of the object was. An object had been already determined by user for being and purpose of inspect whether an object of that is read in accordance or not with reference. By using the method color and dimension, the level of success of the color of the sorting of object and dimension accurate in which the percentage of error reached 6.17 %. Error setected due to insufficient light.idTeknik ElektroMekatronikaTeknikMechineDimension and ColorDeteksi Benda Berdasarkan Warna dan Dimensi pada Mesin Pemisah BarangObjetc Detection on Sorting Machine Based on Color and DimensionThesis