Arifin, MuhammadSembiring, Evi Estivania2025-01-032024-07-04JAEEhttp:// soldering process (Econo) has error assessment criteria, this all criteria are included in Quality Control. Soldering pad overflow is a defect criterion from the process with code, this defect is a result of poor visualization of the soldering and causes the solder to overheat. This case is always obtained by Dual Module, there are many reasons why this defect occurs, it could be due to an error in the machine, wrong positioning, wrong jig, and human error. To reduce many defects in the module, it will start by improving the jig and checking the machine temperature by analyzing the percentage of the defect. Keywords: Solder pad, machine, jigenSOLDER PAD OVERFLOWArticle3222101025KODEPRODI005029#TEKNIK_ELEKTRONIKA_MANUFAKTUR