Tarihoran, Jeremy Amanda Putra2025-01-042024IEEEhttp:// Reality (AR) based Vocational Interactive Wall is a wall that contains content from the Directorate General of Vocational Education or a plain-looking mural using Augmented Reality so that it will be more immersive and enhance the visitor experience, and offer interactive Edutainment that allows visitors to play, learn, and have fun simultaneously. Augmented reality is a technology that creates digital information. Computers make it in real-time by combining digital and original displays. This research aims to facilitate students or visitors who want to know the profile of the Directorate General of Vocational Education. The research method used in this research is the Human Centered Design (HCD) method for product design and User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) for user experience measurement. The results of the user experience analysis of 20 respondents at Vokasi Fest x Kampus Merdeka 2023 show that the Augmented Reality-based Vocational Interactive Wall application is categorized as “Feasible” to use, based on the benchmark results obtained from a scale of -3 to 3.enSOCIAL SCIENCES::Statistics, computer and systems science::Informatics, computer and systems science::Information technologyVocational Interaktif Wall Design Based on Human Centered Design with User Experience Questionnaire MeasurementArticleNIM4312001002NIDN8935160022KODEPRODI90349#TEKNOLOGI REKAYASA MULTIMEDIA