Ansori, MuslimAnggraini, Dina Vitri2022-12-222022-12-222015-08-13 final project was conducted in PT Dimas Pratama Indah-Agung Podomoro Land, Tbk. The purpose of the research conducted to determine the procedures for recording cash receipts and disbursements. In terms of cash receipts, there is a revenue source that is cash receipts from the sale of cash and receivables. As for cash disbursements can be done in two ways, namely by using checks and cash. Here the authors take one example of cash expenses, namely Cash Expenditure Bon. Cash Expenditure Bon is employee demand advance payment for official use were accounted for in a different tempo.idManajemen BisnisAkuntansiCashExpenseManajemen Dan Ilmu Yang BerkaitanPencatatan Pengeluaran Kasbon Pada Pt Dimas Pratama Indah-Agung Podomoro Land,TbkThesis