Anurogo, Wenangrenaldyanto2024-12-302024-06-25http:// site location is a mapping that has the function of providing visual information to the reader, therefore Geo Site Location has an important role that is needed by new people or those who do not know the location address fluently, so a geographic information system can be defined as a a computer-based system used to manipulate and store various geographic information. GIS design is carried out to analyze, store and collect various phenomena and objects whose geographic location is a critical and important characteristic for analysis. Another problem is also a consideration for the need to develop a mapping system that can provide information and data that previously did not exist. By building a mapping system, it can support information that was previously non-renewable to become renewable. This research aims to produce several maps such as Aerial Photo Maps, Block Boundary Maps, and Geo Site Location Maps.otherGEO SITE LOCATION MAPPING OF VILLA BUKIT INDAH HOUSING BATAM CENTERNIM3322001014NIDN0030048902KODEPRODI29301#TEKNOLOGI GEOMATIKA