Kurniawan, Dwi ElyMandasari, Devi2022-10-062022-10-062017-01-20https://repository.polibatam.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/139Batam is a city located in the province of Riau Islands, Indonesia. The number of tourism potential and strategic location making opportunities to the many tourists come to the city of Batam. However, problems were found by tourists is the difficulty of finding a travel based on certain parameters. To overcome these problems, it needed a technology application that presents information on city maps Batam travel recommendations based web. Made this application to provide travel recommendations based on certain parameters according the needs of travelers using TOPSIS method. Applications can run online for travel data management and data criteria. Applications can also calculate travel calculation method TOPSIS. Users can fill weights of several parameters: time, distance and cost. Applications can provide the final calculation and provide travel information in the form of a Google Maps API and a description of the tour.idTeknik InformatikaGeografi dan Perjalanan WisataIlmu Komputer, Pengetahuan, Sistemgeographic information systemTourWebSistem Pendukung Keputusan Objek Wisata di Pulau Batam Menggunakan Metode TOPSIS Berbasis GISDecision Support System of Tourism on The Island Batam Topsis Method Based on GISThesis