Resda Prima, DodiPratama, Eggy2025-02-182025-01-29IEEE management and information dissemination in RT.004 RW.001 Batu Besar are still carried out manually, leading to frequent issues such as missing documents, delays in processes, and uneven information distribution. These problems often hinder residents and local administrators from managing public services effectively. In response, a Web-Based Public Service Information System was designed and developed. The system aims to digitize and streamline administrative processes, making them more efficient and accessible. The system was developed using the Waterfall software development methodology and implemented with Laravel as the backend framework and Bootstrap for the frontend. Key features of the system include letter submissions, resident data management, complaint services, news updates, and an interactive map for locating residents’ addresses accurately. The system also incorporates a responsive design, ensuring accessibility across various devices and operating systems without requiring additional applications. Testing was conducted using the blackbox method, with results indicating that the system meets all functional requirements as designed. This system provides faster, safer, and more transparent administrative processes while enhancing the dissemination of information. It is expected to improve the quality of public services and support the digitalization efforts within the RT.004 RW.001 Batu Besar community.otherRancang Bangun Sistem Informasi dan Layanan Publik RT.004 RW.001 Batu Besar Berbasis WebsiteArticle3312011081NIDN0005018607KODEPRODI55401#Teknik Informatika