Soebhakti, HendrawanNico Simanjuntak, Alex2023-01-092023-01-092017-05-15 last task in Robot Contest ABU Indonesia 2016 is Climbing Task which must done by Hybrid Robot to win the game. In this task, Hybrid Robot must climb the engine pole to assembly the propeller in the engine station. A system is developed to complete the task using polyurethane wheel and power window motor. EDF is used as actuator to turn the robot while climbing with PD Controller and get feedback from rotary encoder. The experiment show that the robot can align with line in the field in 0.3 second and climb the pole with error average 2.17°. Robot can assembly propeller with success rate 65% and time average needed is 6,46 seconds. Robot fail to assembly the propeller occurred by mechanical weakness.Teknik ElektroMekatronikaEngineering and Allied Operations (Teknik dan Ilmu yang Berkaitan)ManufacturingRobot Hybrid Pada Kontes Robot Abu Indonesia 2016 (Climbing Task)Hybrid Robot in the 2016 Indonesian Abu Robot Contest (Climbing Task)Thesis