Tambunan, JeanArapenta, Joy2025-01-032022-04-22IEEE2548-9828http:// (Capture The Flag) competitions have emerged as a pivotal instrument in development of cyber securityeducation over the past six years. It is imperative to ensure that the CTF competitions continue to develop tofacilitate growth of cyber security education. To achieve the desired growth, it is necessary to analyze the progressachieved in the last six years the program has been implemented. This research collects and analyzes approximately500 CTF solutions from the CTFtime platform. From the results of this analysis, we have identified that skills andtechniques are needed in each category of CTF questions. We use the results of this analysis as a reference forquestions on the CTF Platform that we created during PCT (Polibatam Cyber Team) regeneration. PCT consistsof a group of students from the Cyber Security Engineering study program who are prepared to be at the forefrontin participating in various activities related to Cyber Security. The method we use is different from other CTFs, inthat we use a skill-based and technique-based approach. We found that this approach was able to attract 80% ofparticipants in solving and improving their skills in Cyber Security towards any challenges in a competitiveenvironment.enSOCIAL SCIENCES::Statistics, computer and systems science::Informatics, computer and systems science::Information technologySOCIAL SCIENCES::Statistics, computer and systems science::Informatics, computer and systems scienceTECHNOLOGY::Information technology::Other information technologySOCIAL SCIENCESAnalysis of Cyber Security Knowledge and Skills for Capture the Flag CompetitionArticleNIM4332001016NIM4332001026NIDN0029088902KODEPRODI57302#REKAYASA KEAMANAN SIBER