Soebagiyo, SlametAgustin, Rahma Dina2024-09-172024-09-172024-08-31APA is the act of training, developing employee skills or knowledge related to certain competencies. According to Rae (2008) training is an effort to increase workers' knowledge and skills to carry out their duties regularly. From the explanation above, the researcher concludes that training is an activity that is really needed to achieve good performance. Through training, employees will receive better information through theory and field work at the PT company. Excelitas Technologies BatamAbstract. The purpose of the study is to analyze the relationship between education, motivation and work discipline with the work performance of personnel. The data collection method is carried out through questionnaires and the research hypothesis is tested using SPSS 27. The results of this study show that training, work motivation and work discipline have a significant positive effect on employee performance in Pt. Excellence Technologies Batam.enANALYSIS OF THE RELATIONSHIP OF TRAINING, WORK MOTIVATION AND WORK DISCIPLINE ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE AT PT EXCELITAS TECHNOLOGIES BATAMArticleNIM4122001079NIDN0017117507KODEPRODI63311#ADMINISTRASI BISNIS TERAPAN