Sugandi, BudiAprianto, Aprianto2023-01-092023-01-092018-06-04 the digital era today, the use of the image sanggat widely used in security systems, industrial and other electronic media. Because the role of a very important image of many problems arising such as one example in the world of the industry used to do many sort objects, sorting is meant here is the criterion of the object with one another, do checking of the disability on a nice and did not object, and many more other image utilization. The abundance of the role of the imagery used in the industry, problems arise one to separate the object being detected in an image is a fundamental problem in many image analysis applications. One application of the image processing is applied to the detection of objects by using the webcam on the item separator machine can do sorting system if it has been programmed with various specific classification. As for the classification of the object will be detected by the camera webcam that is object based on the shape of a circle, square form, and the form of equilateral triangle with a Shape Matching method with and object color on objects that have been defined using color Red, green, and blue using the RGB color.idTeknik ElektroTeknik MekatronikaWebcamShape MatchingDeteksi Benda Berdasarkan Bentuk Dan Warna Pada Mesin Pemisah BarangThesis