baharudin,budiKamsyah, DomiNur Cahaya Putra Nur Cahaya Putra2025-02-202024-07-10 is a process of adding a special layer to the surface of a vehicle's paint so that the special paint makes the vehicle look glossy, clean and new. Many vehicles are dull and the paint color is starting to fade. Because of this, I started a vehicle coating business. So that it can become a place to care for vehicle cats and invite young people and the public to pay more attention to the vehicles they use every day so that they look clean and tidy. Many people are confused and afraid of caring for vehicle cats because of the time and costs involved. This article presents the coating process on vehicles, estimated time and costs for 1 unit of HONDA CB 200 vehicle.otherCoatingWaktu dan BiayaEstimasi Waktu Dan Biaya Pada Proses CoatingArticleNIM3412231003NIDN0012088404NIDN0022038805KODEPRODI21401#Teknik Mesin