Mufida, Mir’atul KhusnaSupriyadi, AgusPurnomo, Edi2023-01-092023-01-092013-07-09 the ability of students to understand a course conducted by a lecturer is common practice in the teaching-learning process. And a quiz in a course is a teaching and learning routines that are often done to measure the level of understanding of students in the course being taught. In general quiz done by hand (using sheets of papers with the question sheets and the answer sheets), here teachers share questions, examine, assess and announce the results of the quiz to students manually. It is certainly time consuming stage of the process, and the effort made by lecturer and students. To overcome these problems, we try to make mobile applications a ‘computerized quiz’. Software process models used are: linear or sequential process models Waterfall. This model proposes an approach to software development systematic and sequential start of the level and progress of the system at all stages of analysis, design, code, and testing. The resulting software is MOBIK Application(=MOBIle+Kuis) which is a Client-Server based applications. MOBIK Client built with the Android system, using the Java programming language. Software IDE (Integrated Development Environment) which is used is “App Inventor”. While MOBIK Server built with Web systems using Apache, programming languages used are PHP, JavaScript, and MySQL as its database support. Testing of the software is done by blackbox methods. This application is expected to assist faculty in assessment quizzes, and report student performance based on the values obtained.idTeknik InformatikaInformatikaIlmu TerapanProduksi untuk Keperluan KhususTeknik dan Ilmu yang BerkaitanMOBIK – Aplikasi Kuis Generator Berbasis AndroidThesis