Santiputri, MettaNadira, Erna2023-06-282023-06-282022-11-172776-2343 Revenue Agency Batam City has the task of carrying out regional authority in the management of regional original income, regional tax revenues, regional levies, BUMD profits and other legitimate income. In order to achieve the objectives of the Batam City Bapenda, which is to realize accountable and transparent financial and regional wealth management, the Batam City Bapenda has prepared a strategy that is to perfect tax regulations or regulations, especially to increase local tax revenues, improve local revenue management facilities, and fulfill a tax system that accountable and transparent. A structured tax system and good service help Batam City Bapenda in carrying out its duties and authorities. In the service flow, the running of a file takes a long time, because it requires confirmation from several fields in the Batam City Bapenda. The services that enter the Batam City Bapenda are approximately 20 files a day, this happens periodically, so that the tax authorities often find out about the existence of a service file and many files are lost due to not running one service flow. So, we need a PBB-P2 Service File Tracking System which is implemented with a web-based computer. The application is built using the Prototyping research method, and produces applications that can be used by the Batam City Bapenda to overcome various existing problems.idBerkasberbasis webfilepelacakanAplikasi Tracking Berkas (Studi Kasus: Berkas Pelayanan PBB- P2 di Badan Pendapatan Daerah Kota Batam)Article