Syaifuddin, MuhammadKurniawan Daulay, Ari2023-01-092023-01-092019-06-20 the present, the information is increasing highly, especially information about spatial data. This information as an important role and is applied in various fields which are used as the basic for making good decision, especially for survey and mapping. This research was conducted to get a visualization of the land from the measurement results using the Total Station. The result was represented as topography maps and visualization of cross section and long sections of the location. The results of data acquisition using the total station, the lowest elevation point is 11.039 m and for the highest point is 16.104 m with a land area of ± 5792.56 m2. Overall, from the measurement resul ts for elevation values in the location, it tends to be flat, there is no significant height difference because there are no areas are too steep at the location.Teknik InformatikaGeomatikaAstronomy (Astronomi)Earth Sciences (Ilmu Bumi)Pemetaan Topografi Untuk Pembangunan Lahan Di Desa ujung Batu Kecamatan Ujung Batu Kabupaten Rokan Hulu, RiauTopographic Mapping for Land Development in Ujung Batu Village, Ujung Batu District, Rokan Hulu Regency, RiauThesis