Sani, AbdullahPrayetno, Dedy2023-01-092023-01-092017-05-16 transaction is familiar to be used for now, but there are some canteens still use conventional transaction system, which there are using physical money for the payment. Web-based online canteen payment system using RFID is a research that produces a system that can be used to facilitate users to make payment in the canteen. The result of the payment system uses RFID card that in KTP as a means of money replacement are the system will record all form of transactions in the canteen to be stored in the database and then the transaction data is sent to each users’mail after the transaction.Teknik ElektroMekatronikaCommerce, Communications, Transportation (Perdagangan, Komunikasi, Transportasi)Computer Sciences, Knowledge, Systems (Ilmu Komputer, Pengetahuan, Sistem)Organization and Management of Architecture/Organisasi dan Manajemen ArsitekturSistem Pembayaran pada Kantin Secara Online Berbasis Web Menggunakan RfidThesis