Kartikaningdyah, ElyRumiani, Itje2023-01-092023-01-092012-07-31https://repository.polibatam.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/1467The financial statements provide financial information about the financial condition and changes in corporate finance in a single accounting period. Financial changes are very influential in decision-making for the foreseeable future. Therefore, the authors are interested in analyzing the ratio of activity at PT Indonesia to Seno know the value of the ratio of the activity and assess the effectiveness of the company in running the business. Research methods used were interviews and documentation. Data analysis methods used were descriptive. Conclusions obtained from this study is that the average yield ratio of activity generally show up to the year 2010 the company's performance has increased, but in 2011 the company's performance declined.idManajemen BisnisAkuntansiAccountingFixed AssetIlmu EkonomiInventoryAnalisa Rasio Aktivitas pada PT Seno Indonesia Periode 2008-2011Thesis