Sugandi, BudiKurniawan, Ai2024-12-302024-07-30APAhttp:// Wedge Bond is one of the bonding methods in the wire bond process. Wedge that does not stick to the leadframe is one of the defects in the Wire Bond process. One of the impacts of this defect is that the chip becomes disconnected from the leadframe, so that RFID products cannot be used because of this defect. The purpose of this research is to find the cause of the defect, because this defect occurs quite often when doing the Wire Bonding process on COB RFID. The method in this research the author uses Fishbone Diagram. Fishbone Diagram consists of several factors, namely Man, Machine, Material, Method, Measurement, and Environment. By using Fishbone Diagram, the author can analyze some of these factors. The author tries to do BrainStorming with several students/parties who have done the Wire Bonding process. After doing BrainStorming, the author will get several possible causes of defects, then verify the possible causes that have been found. The expected result of this research is that the author can find the main cause of the defect. So that in the future a solution can be found so that the defect can be overcome or even avoided. In this research, the cause of the problem in this defect is the Wedge Parameter which is less accurate, so the author adjusts the previous parameter. Keyword: Wedge Bond, COB RFID, Fishbone DiagramenTECHNOLOGY::Information technology::Image analysisAnalysis Of The Cause Of Not Stick Wedge On Chip on BoardArticle32221010340021037307KODEPRODI20406#TEKNIK ELEKTRONIKA MANUFAKTUR