Haikal, AntoniPanjaitan, Monita Cisilia2025-01-032024IEEEhttp:// research examines the influence between cyber security awareness and password selection behavior of mobile banking users of Batam residents or residents aged 17-65 years. The method used to process the data is simple linear regression using SPSS 25. This research shows that cyber security awareness positively influences the password selection behavior of mobile banking users. With an R Square value of 0.275, the independent variable's ability to explain the dependent variable is small and limited to 27.5%. The findings from this study will help academics expand their research to include additional potential factors.otherINTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH AREAS::Technology and social changeSOCIAL SCIENCES::Statistics, computer and systems science::Informatics, computer and systems science::Information technologyAnalisis Pengaruh Kesadaran Keamanan Siber Terhadap Perilaku Pemilihan Kata Sandi Pengguna Mobile Banking di Batam Menggunakan Metode RegresiArticle4332011009NIDN8942560023KODEPRODI57302#REKAYASA KEAMANAN SIBER