Juangsa, Lalu GiatMoeljantoKurniansyah Ervian2025-01-042024-07-16http:// Boeing 737-8GP aircraft has a rudder system that is crucial for yawing or turning left and right. However, pilots often encounter difficulties due to friction between the rudder pedal and the upper cover, which can hinder the movement of the rudder pedal and make it challenging to operate the rudder effectively. To address this issue, researchers aim to modify the upper cover by adding brackets to provide additional space. This modification aims to prevent interference with the fasteners installed on the steering pedals, ensuring smoother operation and reducing the risk of component damage.The modifications are guided by the Airworthiness Directive (AD) and are carried out using Taskcards. These modifications are essential for ensuring safe and efficient operation of the aircraft, particularly during critical phases of flight such as takeoff and landingotherModification Of Rudder Pedal Pada Pesawat BOEING 737-8GPArticle34321010070012069102118209005029#Teknik perawatan pesawat udara