Suandi, FadliThasbi, Muhammad Syahran2025-01-042024-05-17IEEEhttp:// Sumitomo Wiring Systems Batam Indonesia (SBI) seeks to overcome the limitations of training using text and images in the use of micrometers that are often unable to improve employee understanding, especially given the small size of micrometer devices. Researchers have developed a micrometer training video with the aim of improving employees' understanding of the use of micrometers in the cable production process. Utilizing the 4D model and the Research and Development (R&D) methodology, the validation procedure verified that the employees had made substantial progress in comprehending the use of micrometers and that the video was highly suitable. data analysis using hypothesis testing Using a paired sample t-test, it was discovered that there was a significant difference (p = 0.000 < 0.05) between the pretest and posttest scores. These findings show that PT Sumitomo Wiring Systems Batam Indonesia staff members' comprehension of micrometer usage was greatly enhanced by the training video.otherTECHNOLOGY::Information technology::Other information technologySOCIAL SCIENCES::Other social sciences::Media and communication studiesSOCIAL SCIENCES::Statistics, computer and systems science::Informatics, computer and systems science::Information technologyVIDEO PELATIHAN MIKROMETER UNTUK KARYAWAN PT SUMITOMO WIRING SYSTEMS BATAM INDONESIAArticleNIM4312001028NIDN1019109101KODEPRODI90343#TEKNIK MULTIMEDIA DAN JARINGAN