Sani, AbdullahSakinah, Suci Yuli2023-01-092023-01-092017-12-12 minimize the risk of data loss on PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) memory rapidly when voltage of back-up battery has been depleted, especially those still using external back-up battery. Then someone created a system to monitor battery condition by using Arduino and XBee. This research is a developed of Multipoint system that exist in XBee, by using two XBee as a transmitter and one XBee as a receiver. In order that the XBee able to receive information from the Arduino, need to install ADC (Analog to Digital) Converter to Arduino. The results of the delivery data from the Arduino to XBee will be show in graphs by use LabVIEW program.idTeknik ElektroElektronikaIlmu Komputer, Pengetahuan, SistemTeknik dan Ilmu yang BerkaitanMengecek Kondisi Baterai PLC Nais Menggunakan ArduinoMengecek Kondisi Baterai PLC Nais Menggunakan ArduinoThesis