Prayoga, SenanjungPratama, RizkyPratama, Khasia Vidra2023-01-092023-01-092018-07-06 soccer competition is needed the right and good movement in positioning, for running the strategy like what planning already made. Because of that in omnidirectional wheel robot which already installed rotary encoder that used invers kinematics for moving to direction which has been ordered. But it’s have lack if just using invers kinematics because wrong movement is happened so in this case is needed forward kinematics as feedback for increase the accurate positioning of robot. In this study PID system controller will be used for decrease the error value from target position faced to real robot position. And for increase the speed of processing data then used STM32F407 ARM Cortex-M4, which have clock CPU until 168 Mhz. The desire result from this study is increasing the accurate for the target position of robot using PID controller and speed up the processing of data using microcontroller that had high capacity then all changed position of robot will be described in visual formidTeknik ElektroTeknik MekatronikaPIDNavigasiPositioning Dan Manuver Robot Krsbi Beroda 7.1 Berbasis ArmThesis