Uperiati, AlenaPanjaitan, Hilma Khoirunnisa2025-02-192025-01-04APAhttps://repository.polibatam.ac.id/handle/PL029/3823ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is an information system technology that enables companies to process business operations in real-time and in an integrated manner. ERP can address business needs for any issues or functional failures related to data management, information exchange, and the distribution of business practices among users within a company. However, not all companies in Indonesia utilize ERP systems due to their high costs and complexity. A common solution for medium-sized enterprises in Indonesia is a Mini ERP system. To document and analyze the implementation of a Mini ERP system at PT AIIA Multi Anugerah, the AIIA Invoice System was introduced. This system offers a more cost-effective and customizable solution tailored to business needs, particularly for companies with low turnover rates. Mini ERP systems are not only a more affordable alternative but also provide ease of implementation and daily use. With the implementation of this Mini ERP system, the company can manage various business aspects, including product data management, quotations, purchase orders, delivery orders, finances (invoices), and reporting. The website was designed using PHP programming with the Laravel framework, applying the waterfall method, and MySQL as the database. Testing was conducted on a localhost server during the development phase of the website.otherSOCIAL SCIENCES::Statistics, computer and systems science::Informatics, computer and systems scienceSOCIAL SCIENCES::Statistics, computer and systems science::Informatics, computer and systems science::InformaticsSOCIAL SCIENCES::Statistics, computer and systems science::Informatics, computer and systems science::Computer and systems scienceRANCANG BANGUN APLIKASI AIIA INVOICE SYSTEM DENGAN IMPLEMENTASI MINI ERP PADA PT. AIIA MULTI ANUGERAHArticleNIDN00220689043312101074KODEPRODI55401#Teknik Informatika