Pamungkas, Daniel SutopoRusdi, Muhammad Ibnu2023-01-092023-01-092018-06-06 higher the crime rate and also the rate of economic growth is slowing, causing a growing need for a surveillance system in the room. This surveillance system to anticipate the level of criminality such as theft, etc. Therefore the author making a tool that is: Human Detection Robots Using Sensor PIR, the Robot serving as supervisor of security which will make it easier for security officers in night shift. The workings of this robot will follow the walls of the left so that the robot is able to surround all the system navigation can use Ultrasonic sensors. The robot will be able to detect the presence of human beings through his movements using a PIR sensor help. Then the robot will send a warning to the security supervisor in the form of sound the alarm through the system interfacenya on android. Where the robot and allows supervisors to communicate in real time. Expected to design this tool later can help in terms of oversight.idTeknik ElektroMekatronikaTeknikRoboticsSensorReal-TimeRobot Pendeteksi Manusia Menggunakan Sensor PIRThesis