Widyastuti, HildaBahisindra, Jeffri2022-10-132022-10-132015-01-31https://repository.polibatam.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/228Sentiment analysis is part of opinion mining which has function to process words to information. This information hope can help people to find problem solve. In this age, Smartphone is growing very rapidly and also various manufacturers come to the surface for promoting their products. So we need an application to asses objectively about the opinion of each respective. In application, the data sets using capture comments from fans page and then analysed with lexicon-based method and then displays the result of the positive, negative, and neutral sentiment on any data in the process. The advantages for this method is requiring a collection of data sets such as dictionaries without having to calculate the valueidTeknik InformatikaInformatikaPermasalahan Sosial, Layanan SosialIlmu Komputer, Pengetahuan, SistemTeknikLexiconSmartphoneAplikasi Analisis Sentimen dengan Metode Lexicon-Based Untuk Menilai Produk Smartphone BaruSentiment Analysis Application With Metode Lexicon-Based for New Smartphone ProductThesis