Thohari, Ahmad HamimSyafitri, Annisya Novri2025-02-192025-02-06IEEE financial management app is web-based software designed to manage and present financial reports. This application replaces previous manual processes, saving time and effort by simplifying various complicated financial tasks. Therefore, this research aims to design and build a "Digital Financial Management Application" that improves accuracy in financial management for users. The system is developed using PHP, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, with the Laravel framework, and MySQL as the database storage. The research will cover the design, development, and implementation of the system flows. This application is expected to reduce errors in the input of company financial data. The development methodology used is the waterfall method. The results of this implementation show that PRBM.ID Store has improved operational, reduced the time and effort required for data input, and reduced the risk of data lossotherRANCANG BANGUN APLIKASI MANAJEMEN KEUANGAN DIGITAL PADA TOKO PRBM.ID MENGGUNAKAN FRAMEWORK LARAVELArticleNIM3312111089NIDN0003029102KODEPRODI55401#Teknik Informatika