Istardi, DidiSugandi, BudiPradana, Rezky Hari2023-01-092023-01-092018-07-06 at the airport plane, it can be seen that the suitcase became one of the most commonly used equipment for traveling by the general public. Generally, the suitcase is equipped with a handle and wheels to facilitate / lighten the owner in carrying luggage by withdrawal. The extent of the area and the distance traveled from certain counters at the airport of the plane and the weight of luggage in the suitcase sometimes makes the luggage owner easy to feel tired because the suitcase should always be drawn with the owner's hand to carry it. From the problem, a researcher conducting research in the form of smart trolley follower based on technical vision. Smart trolley is a mobile robot equipped with a computer as a controller and camera from Android device to track and follow colored objects automatically. From the research and the problems that have been described, the author was inspired to create smart suitcases that can move to follow the owner. Smart suitcase in question is a suitcase equipped with a computer and a microcontroller as a controller, motor drive and stereo camera to track / detect objects by doing color filtering and simple shape checker in order to measure the distance and angle of objects so that smart suitcase can move to follow the object brought by the owner. The object used in this research is a unique pattern to represent the identity of smart luggage owners. In order for smart suitcases to move to follow the owner, then used fuzzy logic algorithm with fuzzy rules that have been determined and implemented on the smart suitcase to determine the movement of DC motor in smart suitcase. In this research the smart suitcase made angle measurements using the stereo camera performed at an angle of 80°, 85°, 90°, 95° and 100° there is an error (error) measurement when the object angle away from the angle perpendicular to the front of the stereo camera. So from the measurement angle has the largest mean error of 1.17% at an angle of 100°.idTeknik ElektroTeknik MekatronikaControllerFuzzy LogicKendali Motor Dc Pada Smart KoperThesis