Fahruzi, ImanSinaga, Sabina Feriyani SeptosaPanjaitan, Eko Aryanto2025-01-032023-12-20IEEEhttp://—Bus tracker is a thing that can track the location of the bus in form of coordinate points that can be observe in real time on the android application that installed on the smartphone. This android application is build for the people bus user community to make it easier to knowing the locationof the bus and the time when the bus is arrive. This research method uses a combination of GPS technology (Global Positioning System) to determine the position and GSM technology as a bridge for sending data from the microcontroller to the database. The results of this researchwill be useful and attract other people to participate in using the bus as the main transportation in order to reduce traffic jam.enTECHNOLOGY::Electrical engineering, electronics and photonics::Electrical engineeringRANCANG BANGUN BUS TRACKER BERBASIS ANDROIDNIM4242001001NIM4242001014NIDK10007KODEPRODI005029#Teknologi_Rekayasa_Elektronika