Zahrati Janah, NurSartikha, SartikhaPriyayi, Age2022-10-132022-10-132015 Trade Zone and Free Port of Batam regulated in Law No. 46 of 2007. Region free trade and free port of Batam This provides convenience to the investors to invest in Batam customs fee exempt investors to export or import activities. The existence of strategic. Batam city makes more and more in coming to the investors. The arrival of investors in Batam certainly bring a change in the city of Batam both in terms of physical and non- physical development. With the policy of free trade zone and free port of Batam certainly provide a lot of jobs to the community and to improve economic growth. In this research will be built system information to determine location as well as information about the free trade zone located in Batam web-based. Geographic information system is expected can help investors to finding a strategic place to build his companyidTeknik InformatikaInformatikaIlmu Komputer, Pengetahuan, SistemPerdagangan, Komunikasi, TransportasiWebSistem Informasi Geografis Pelabuhan Perdagangan Bebas di Kota Batam Berbasis WebGeographic Information System of Free Trade Zone In Batam City Web-BasedThesis