D-3 Teknik Informatika
Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://repository.polibatam.ac.id/handle/123456789/84
Item Aplikasi Buku Saku Rumus-Rumus Kimia Pada Smartphone Android(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2014-06-21) Fatimah, Masriana; Ely Kurniawan, DwiPelajaran Kimia merupakan salah satu pelajaran yang ada di Indonesia, mulai dari SMP hingga perguruan tinggi, bahkan kimia salah satu pelajaran yang menjadi syarat kelulusan atau Ujian Nasional untuk SMA khususnya jurusan IPA, dalam pelajaran Kimia terdapat beberapa pembelajaran yang membuat pelajar sulit untuk mengerti di karenakan rumus-rumus yang terlalu banyak, dengan bekal smart phone siswa dan siswi dapat membantu mereka belajar dan dengan tampilan yang di kemas dengan semenarik mungkin agar siswa dan siswi tertarik untuk mempelajarinya, contoh soal dan kuis di ambil dari ujian akhir semester pada tahun sebelumnya dan dapat sangat membantu siswa dan siswi melatih soal-soal untuk Ujian Nasional.Item Aplikasi Informasi Kandidat Kepala Daerah Dalam Pilkada Berbasis Sms(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2009-03-22) Kuhon, Ricky Ronald; Mufida, Miratul KhusnaItem Aplikasi Marketplace Penyedia Jasa Penyelenggaraan Pernikahan Berbasis Web(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-09-23) Fatikasuci, Elkistie; Janah, Nur ZahratiMarriage is an engagement agreement between a man and a woman. Along with the advancement of technology at this time, making people want all the activities of their daily lives to be faster and more practical in various aspects, for example in terms of seeking marriage services in the city of Batam. Marriage only happens once in a lifetime, therefore the bride and groom want a memorable wedding, so to make a wedding usually requires wedding services or wedding organizer. From these problems the author created a marketplace application provider for web-based wedding services. Which application is expected to make it easier for the bride and groom to find a wedding organizer in accordance with their wishes. In addition, by making this application can make it easier for service providers to promote and sell any wedding service packages they have. Based on this, the final project is made with the title taken in the framework of the preparation of this final project is "Web Market Application Provider for Web-based Organizing Services".Item Aplikasi Pemandu Wisata Batam Berbasis Android(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2014-07-12) Anam, Moh.Khoirul; Triwinarko, AndyBesides Batam also known as industrial city has a lot of tourism potential if managed properly can provide revenue for the region and also. But the existing state problem is how to provide information and disseminating tourism locations in the city Batam, how far there is still manual information, such as word of mouth or in the form of a book, it is less efficient and less effective. For it is in need of an application that is able to address the existing constraint, one of which is an application-based Android Batam Tour Guide can help Travellers to know the location of the existing tourist sites in the batam city.Item Aplikasi Penagihan (Invoice) Studi Kasus : Unit Bisnis Penunjang Infrastruktur Pt. Pln Batam(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2013-07-26) Hyan Dejong, Brian Crida; Pratam, Dicky; Triwinarko, AndyItem Aplikasi Pendeteksi Gerak Dengan Peringatan Suara(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2007-02-15) Sasmito, Bayu Panji; Wibowo, Ari; Evaliata, EvaliataItem Aplikasi Penelusuran Solusi Untuk Kerusakan Untuk Komputer(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2009-07-17) Winardi, Winardi; Brajawidagda, UufItem Aplikasi Pengelolaan Data Penduduk(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2005-04-19) Qadarsiki, Ovia; Winoto, BasukiItem Aplikasi Pengelolaan Perizinan Usaha Berbasis Web(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2017-01-31) Protomo, Arex Riau; janah, NurItem Aplikasi Stevedore Untuk Penanganan Proyek (Studi Kasus Pt. Lautan Jaya Sukses)(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2014) Utama, Andhana; Ely Kurniawan, DwiAccording to current technological developments, has been growing very rapidly, it can be seen from the usefulness or utilization of the industrial world and the corporate world as it is today. With the use of Information technology available on the company and industry to develop the company be able to compete in the industry and corporate world. At the port, there are several activities that such activities, ie stevedoring activities on board include work or take goods in the hold ship or barge, enter the grid, put a sling or other loading and unloading equipment appropriate to the circumstances or the type of the goods until the goods are in dock or truck on the consignee. Therefore, there is a problem or if there is difficulty in communication project that will be done by the employees, because the employees are still using the manual method in obtaining communication. So also with this application, employees no longer need to use the manual method to obtain project information. The results of testing the system using the black box stating that the system can run well.Item Aplikasi Tiket Konser Online Berbasis Pdf417(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2007-02-16) Susandari, Eci; Winoto, Basuki; Triwinarko, Andy