Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam

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(2024-11-29) Putra Septiandi Erghi; Sibagariang Swono
Currently, Candu Roti Bakar has three branches, each of which handles around 65-100 transactions per day. Each branch still uses manual bookkeeping which is time-consuming as re-recording has to be done every night to ensure all transactions are accurately recorded. The planned opening of a fourth branch in the coming months will further add to the complexity of financial management. The main challenge faced is the difficulty of monitoring profits per branch as well as recording and differentiating between net and gross profits. The use of this manual system has the potential to slow down operations and increase the risk of recording errors. Reliance on manual recording to handle a large number of transactions increases the risk of errors that can ultimately affect business continuity. Therefore, a technology solution is needed to automate operational processes by building a RESTful API-based system.The system was designed in the form of a website and mobile application with functions tailored for two types of users: admins and employees. The system was developed using the waterfall method, which uses a systematic and sequential approach. The website was built using the Laravel framework, while the mobile application was developed with the Dart programming language. The database used was MySQL with PHP programming language support. System testing was carried out using the Blackbox method, all test scenarios successfully showed the results as expected. With the success of this test, the financial management system developed can increase operational productivity, reduce recording errors, speed up the financial reporting process, and support better coordination and communication in daily operations. The results of this system implementation are proven to encourage innovation in the business as a whole.
Analisis Pengujian Ketahanan Pipa Carbon Steel Dengan Metode Hidrostatik Test di PT Rifariz Batam
(2024-07-10) NASUTION,ARIE PRANANDA; Wahyudi, Muhammad Prihadi Eko
Pipa berperan penting dalam mengalirkan fluida, khususnya dalam sektor pertambangan energi yang terus berkembang. Penelitian ini secara spesifik menitikberatkan pada pipa carbon steel, material yang umum digunakan dalam berbagai aplikasi industri. Pipa ini dikenal karena kekuatannya, daya tahannya, dan kemudahan penggunaannya dalam sistem perpipaan. Penelitian ini akan difokuskan pada analisis pengujian pipa carbon steel grade A106 dalam proses produksi gas alam di PT. Rifariz Batam. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dalam pengukuran hydrotest tidak diperbolehkan adanya kebocoran pada pipa, sehingga dilakukan repair pada pipa dan melakukan kembali pengujian hydrotest pressure. Penurunan tekanan yang terjadi di pipa bertekanan dilakukan pada tiga area kerja yakni area welding, powerhouse, dan dieshop. Ketiga wilayah kerja tersebut memiliki sistem perpipaan yang berbeda untuk memperlancar aliran udara bertekanan. Sistem perpipaan pada ketiga area tersebut dipengaruhi oleh penempatan kompresor dan pengering udara sesuai konsep sistem perpipaan terbuka. Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran hydrotest pipa berhasil memenuhi persyaratan pengujian tekanan diatas 4.13 Bar dan berdasarkan perhitungan desain pipa mampu menahan tekanan yang dibutuhkan, baik dari tegangan pipa, tegangan ijin, longitudinal dan sirkumferensial, dan hal ini juga dibuktikan melalui hydrotest. Berdasarkan perhitungan desain pipa sanggup menahan tekanan yang dibutuhkan, baik dari teganngan pipa, tegangan izin, longitudinal dan sirkumferensial, dan hal ini juga dibuktikan melalui hydrotest. Dengan Hasil perbandingan dari perhitungan teoritis dan aktual yaitu ketebalan minimum teoritis 3.2mm dan aktual 3.05mm, tegangan izin soccasial teoritis 83.39mPa dan aktual 137.89mPa, tegangan izin sekpansi teoritis 206.83mPa dan aktual 137.89mPa, tegangan sirkum teoritis 3.57mPa dan aktual tidak ada.
Motion Graphic Dalam Perancangan Video Promosi Produk Bynovs Di Media Sosial
(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2024-12-27) Mukaromah,Muhammad; Feby
Bynovs is one of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME/UMKM) engaged in the retail sector, specifically in the sale of clothing, such as hijabs, targeting young girls to adult women, but still facing challenges in increasing brand awareness among the public. Therefore, a motion graphic-based promotional video is designed as an innovative and attractive information media. The motion graphic video design is a form of information media that is made following the development of technology in the form of information that aims to introduce Bynovs hijab products and attract consumer interest in order to increase sales. The motion graphic video design uses the Vilamil Molina method, which consists of the following stages: (a) development, (b) preproduction, (c) production, (d) post-production, and (e) delivery. This method was chosen to ensure efficient execution, requiring careful planning, mastery of multimedia technology, and effective production management. In other words, the success of multimedia development relies on integrated teamwork. In the promotional motion graphic video for Bynovs products, there are elements such as typography, background sound, dubbing, and instrumental music. Research results show that the motion graphic video of Bynovs products which presented in MP4 format with duration of 1 minutes and 30 seconds has an epic rate 3.8, so the motion graphic video is considered as an effective and worthy media to promote Bynovs products.
Aplikasi Peminjaman Aset Berbasis Web di Yayasan Ulil Albab Batam
(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2024-11-15) Zain, Farhan Abdurrahman; Thohari, Ahmad Hamim
Asset lending is an important aspect of asset management, through this process, the organization can maximize the use of resources and increase flexibility in meeting its operational needs. Currently, the internal asset lending process at Yayasan Ulil Albab Batam still relies on personal direct permission without implementing systematic asset management. It causes difficulties in identifying the responsible of the landed assets, which can potentially cause financial losses for Yayasan Ulil Albab Batam, especially in handling the loss or damage of lent assets. To solve the existing issues, a web-based asset lending application has been developed to assist Yayasan Ulil Albab Batam in the internal asset lending process and also monitor the condition of lent assets. Implementating this application is expected to make asset management more systematic, facilitate the identification of responsibilities, and minimize losses due to the loss or damage of landed assets.
(2024-12-24) Arhuda, Muhammad Viqri; Lubis, Ahmadi Irmansyah
Modern technology is crucial to company transformation, especially for small and medium-sized business MSME in particular. One of these MSMEs is the Arto Moro Juice Shop located in Batam City, Riau Islands. However, currently the sales data management process still uses a simple method, namely by recording transactions manually by the cashier in a book. This process ultimately results in stores taking a long time to manage data and is vulnerable to recording errors and the possibility of losing data. The goal of this study is to create a Point of Sales (POS) system for Arto Moro Juice MSMEs in Batam City. This POS system is designed to help manage sales, inventory and financial reports more efficiently. The research method using the RAD method includes requirements planning, design and implementation workshops. In this research, system testing was carried out using two methods, namely Unit Testing and Usability Testing. The results of Unit Testing show that all system components function properly without errors or malfunctions. Meanwhile Usability Testing shows that users find the system easy to use due to its inspiring user interface designed to support daily tasks related to sales and inventory management. The functional testing results of the POS system reached 100%, which shows that this system is effective in meeting the operational needs of Arto Moro Juice MSMEs. By lowering the possibility of human mistake and enhancing overall business performance, the implementation of this point of sales system is anticipated to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of management of small and medium sized enterprises, including Arto Moro Juice.