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Item Analisis Pertumbuhan Balita Pada Posyandu Berbasis PC(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2012-07-16) Zamilah, Maryam; KamarudinPosyandu is a government program that provides health services, one for toddlers. Usually the data and measurement data of children recapitulated on KMS. But with today's technology, the system can be made more effective if data retrieval and storage using computer. Then the analysis of infant growth in Posyandu based on PC designed to facilitate the data retrieval. In addition, from the results data retrieval can also display the toddler nutritional status, which is based on standard anthropometric assessment of nutritional status of children in the Minister of Health numbers 1995/MENKES/SK/XII/2010. System, divided into two main parts: hardware and software. The hardware consists of measuring height using ultrasonic sensors, weighing the body using the Load Cell, amplifies the voltage amplifier circuit for Load Cell and Arduino to process data. The results obtained have a percentage error of about 0-4% for weight measurement. While the ultrasonic sensor has a large percentage of errors when reading distance of 0-3 cm. Overall, the time for retrieval and storage of data using this system is faster than the process manually.Item Penerapan Sistem Activity Based Costing dalam Penghitungan Tarif Jasa Plating pada PT XYZ(2011-07-21) Liani; Mayasari,MegaItem Studi Tingkat Penggunaan Perangkat Lunak Open Source oleh Administrator di Instansi Pemerintah Daerah Kota Batam(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2011-02-16) Reni, Artha Oktafa; R, Binti Ngamilatun N.Open Source merupakan software yang bebas dipakai oleh pengguna dan benar- benar unlimited bukan aplikasi yang dibatasi oleh waktu ataupun fungsi. Open source juga dapat dimodifikasi dan didistribusikan source code hasil modifikasi dengan syarat-syarat tertentu misalnya dengan tetap mempertahankan nama pembuatnya atau nama pengembangnya. Software berbasis open source ini dapat memberi keuntungan bagi administrator pada masing-masing instansi pemerintah daerah di kota Batam, software ini juga dapat memberikan keuntungan bagi instansi terkait karena dapat mengurangi pengeluaran karena tidak perlu membayar lisensi. Dari data yang diperoleh, dilakukan suatu analisis untuk mendapatkan hasil survei dalam menentukan tingkat penggunaan perangkat lunak open source. Hasil survei yang diperoleh dilakukan pengolahan data untuk mengetahui seberapa besar tingkat penggunaan perangkat lunak open source oleh administrator instansi pemerintah daerah di kota Batam.Item Human Resource Information System Berbasis Web(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2014-07-11) Rickynaya Pantow, Romy; Kurniawan, Dwi ElyIndustrial companies in Batam which is one of the region including the FTZ (Free Trade Zone) Batam, Bintan and Karimun have many employees. This of course makes the company should think extra how to build a company becomes more developed. Having a many employees certainly be the first step of a company how to manage the data information from the employee. Company course requires an information system that can manage the data of the employees. In this thesis the author wants to create a web-based HRIS Information System. The aim is to facilitate the company in processing employee data information and also provide information to employees. The features provided in the HRIS system is employee data information, the data absent employees, salaried employees, the company's work calendar, time off, and a message box. HRIS system also provides a form-based online that aims to assist the employee in performing the work leave application process. The existence of HRIS systems enable companies to manage employee data and also provide information to employees, so the company can be growing company in the industry.Item Aplikasi Surat Pemberitahuan (SPT) Tahunan Pajak Penghasilan (PPh) Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi dan Badan(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2010-03-01) Arsenal, Deni; Ade Saputra, Nova; Brajawidagda, UufItem Aplikasi Pengarsipan Elektronik pada Kantor Pelayanan Perbendaharaan Negara (KPPN) Batam(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2010-07-27) Noverita, Dian; Meilani, Fitrah; Evaliata, EvaliataItem Sistem Pengontrol Lampu Berbasis Ponsel(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2008-01-25) Wahyudi, Muhammad; riwinoto, riwinoto; Soebhakti, HendawanItem Pengembangan dan Pengintegrasian Aplikasi Pengelolaan Koperasi Polibatam(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2010-07-20) Endi, Alzaidi; Rizki, Astri Dwi; Supriadi, Teddy; Sembiring, EvaliataThe number of activities or business units managed by Koperasi Polibatam definitely requires suitably staff so that all activities can be managed well. In addition, Koperasi Polibatam also keeps facilities production sharing system or called Time Results of Operations (SHU) each end of the year. So the application is to solve problems or activities in managing Koperasi Polibatam well and easy. This application was created to help Koperasi Polibatam in managing all business units. It is, to produce management reports corporately. Development and integration of applications are made based on four existing applications. In this development and integration there are two applications, website based and desktop based applications. This application uses PHP and Visual Basic 6.0 as a language programming and MySQL as data storage.Item Pemesanan Otomatis pada Restoran(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2012-07-17) Taufik Zahrad, Tito; Oktani, DessyItem Implementasi Reverse Engineering terhadap Perangkat Lunak untuk Melakukan Reengineering dengan Paradigma Prosedural menjadi Paradigma Berorientasi Objek(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2013-02-20) Rizki, Esti; T.S, Maulidinata; Santiputri, MettaOne of the goals of modern software engineering is to move towards a paradigm of evolutionary systems. Reengineering offers an approach to migrate a legacy system towards an evolvable system in disciplined manners. Software reverse engineering is the process of analyzing the components and component interrelationships of a software system in order to describe that system at a level of abstraction higher than that of the original system. Reengineering is the process of examination, understanding, and alteration of a system with the intent of implementing the system in a new form. Software reengineering is considered to be a better solution for handling legacy code when compared to re-developing software from the original requirements. This final project presents a case study that illustrates how a combination of object-oriented (OO) and procedural techniques can be used in tandem to reengineer an existing application (in this case the e-Procedure software of State Batam Polytechnic). And to further prove which part of the procedural system can be reused in the new object oriented system.