Jurusan Manajemen Bisnis
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Item Analisis Penilaian Kerugian Piutang Jasa Selular Kartuhalo (Pasca Bayar) Pelanggan Corporate pada PT Telkomsel Regional Sumbagteng(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2012-07-24) Mayasari, Dian; Nasution, MarihotItem Analisis Perlakuan Akuntansi terhadap Piutang Jasa Aeronautika Bandara Hang Nadim Badan Pengusahaan (BP) Batam(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2013-07-16) Rahmawati, Siti; Irsutami, IrsutamiItem Pengaruh Perputaran Piutang Terhadap Rasio Profitabilitas pada PT Pengusahaan Daerah Industri Pulau Batam (Persero Batam)(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2013-07-01) Permata, Anisa RiskaItem Pengendalian Aplikasi Finance and Billing Management System (FBMS) Terhadap Piutang Usaha pada Kantor Pelabuhan Laut Batam(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2014-08-04) Pranata, Joni; Irsutami, IrsutamiItem Perancangan Aplikasi Manajemen Accounts Receivable Dan Accounts Payable Sederhana Pada Pt Hokushin Indonesia Berbasis Microsoft Access 2007(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2012-07-17) Riyanti, Riyanti; Hendrawan, BambangItem Perlakuan Akuntansi Piutang pada PT Giken Precision Indonesia(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2011-08-05) Sitepu, Ervinesia br; Lestari, NanikItem Perlakuan Akuntansi Terhadap Piutang pada Unit Bisnis Infrastruktur PT PLN Batam(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2014-07-16) Nababan, Yuliana; Hati, Shinta WahyuThis research was conducted in PT Pelayanan Listrik Nasional (PLN) Batam with Title accounting treatment of accounts receivable on infrastructure business unit PT PLN Batam. The purpose of this research was to determine whether the accounting treatment of accounts receivable in Infrastructure Business Unit of PT PLN Batam in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). This research uses descriptive data analysis method. The results of this research indicate that the accounting treatment of accounts receivable in Infrastructure Business Unit of PT PLN Batam include the recognition of receivables, recording accounts receivable, valuation of receivables, and receivables presentation is not in accordance with GAAP.Item Tinjauan Pengelolaan Piutang di PT LBS Batam Anak Perusahaan PKM Group(Politeknik Negeri Batam, 2018-02-22) Nurjannah, Nurjannah; Irawati, RusdaThis research was held on PT Lintas Bintan Samudera (PT LBS), as subsidiary of PKM Group. The identifiable problem of PT LBS often occurs is arrears of account receivable. The purpose of this research is how to manage account receivable and evaluating account receivable’s policies that has been implemented on PT LBS, to decrease the total amount of account receivable. The conclusion from this research is recording PT LBS’s account receivable using fee system, which is for boosting the payment of accounts receivable and attracting the customers to buy more goods.