Sistem Monitoring Pemakaian Daya listrik

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M. Syaiful
Rozzy, Handoko
Boni, Rahmat
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"The monitoring system wind turbine" is a device designed to ease in knowing how much current, voltage and power generated by a wind turbine, where we use a microcontroller as the main controller. Before the data entered into the microcontroller, the data is first read by the sensor 712 ACS. The data have been processed in the microcontroller will also be sent with RS 232 serial communication to the Personal Computer, which then displays the value of current, voltage and power by using VB software. In making this tool voltage source, the ACS current sensor 712, voltage sensor and the ADC on the microcontroller is the most important thing that must be considered because it will affect the accuracy in reading the current, voltage and power.
Teknik Elektro, Elektronika, Sensor arus, Sensor Tegangan, Mikrokontroler, Visual Basic, Current Sensor, Voltage Sensor, Microcontroller, Visual Basic