Aplikasi Pemodelan Basisdata
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
G, Benny Zanuarwan P.
Saputra, Aldino
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
Organization needs a database as data storage media. Database is very important
for the organization. The Develope process of database was divided into 4 stages:
requirements analysis, ER design, relational schema, and create DBMS using
SQL language. When creating ER design stage and then convert the diagram to a
relational schema will need a long process and this procedure may be possible
cause many human error.
There are several applications to design the databases, such as Power Designer
and Microsoft Visio. Both of two applications above can be used to draw the ER
design, but can not directly convert into a relational schema. So Applications was
made for Modeling Database, the specification are it can draw ER design than
directly converting to relational schema. The application can handle half from all
4 proccess to design the databases.
After implementation of the application, that applications can be used to draw the
ER design, and then it can be converted into a relational schema, and then it can
directly translate into SQL query and running in DBMS.
Teknik Informatika, Informatika, Ilmu Komputer, Pengetahuan, Sistem, Application, Modeling, Database