Film Pendek Animasi 3D “Starting From A Sincerity” dengan Penerapan Teknik Blocking Camera (Pada Puncak Masalah dan Solusi)
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
Anggraini, Aprilitia
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
Animated films are widely viewed as entertainment children and adults. But actually
animated films not only for entertainment, but there is a positive side that can be taken,
unfortunately a lot of people liked the animated film comedy. The authors make a 3D
animated film "Starting From a Sincerity" aims to provide a positive element to the film
community with the film that has elements of character, so that they can emulate and imitate
the content of the message of movies they watch. And the 3D animated film indispensable
Camera Blocking good for the audience to more easily understand the story of the film.
The authors developed a film based on the stages of pre-production, production and
post-production. The document that is produced is the synopsis and storyboard. This film
production produced 5 scenes 58 shots with a duration time of 4 minutes 56 seconds. In
making the film uses three camera technique, namely Field of view, angle shots and camera
From the results of a survey of two types of respondents, special respondents and
respondents generally, that the film is of particular respondent side has successfully
implemented a blocking technique a good camera, but the delivery of the message is still
unsatisfactory and in general respondents already successfully implemented a good moral
message, visual form and audio but still expressed in terms of duration less short by linkert
Teknik Informatika, Multimedia & Jaringan, Fotografi, Seni Komputer, Film, Video, Short Film, Animated, Camera, Animation