Portal Security

dc.contributor.advisorSutopo, Daniel
dc.contributor.authorJames, Michael
dc.description.abstractSecurity portal was first manually (up and down using a rope). In the modern era and perkebangan electronics technology is more advanced, there are still many security portal is still manual. Viewed from the side of the development era security portal manually is no longer effective, today everything is completely automated, the authors seek the development of portal security manual. So the author took this final project title Portal Security. Portal security that writers make is the development of portal security manual to semi automatic. In addition to following the developments in technology, security portals can simplify security officers to rise and lower the security bar, by hitting up the bar will move up, when pressing the button down then the bar will move down. Portal security that the author designed a series of electronic devices composed and controlled with push button. Portal security is still using relays to reverse the direction of rotation of DC motors and DC motor 12 V to move the bar up or down the portal. There are also types of electronic components are arranged, is a DC Motor 12Vdc, 12V Relays, Push Button, Limit Switches. The workings of this Security Portal, when the push button is pressed the red (up) then the portal will move up until the bottom limit switch is active, and when the bottom limit switch is activated, then the DC motor will stop and when the green push button is pressed (down) then the relay reverse the direction of rotation so that the beam portals will move down until the limit switches on the active, and when the upper limit switch is activated, then the DC motor will stop. This security portal can be used within the scope of housing.en_US
dc.description.abstrakPortal security pertama kali manual (naik dan turun menggunakan tali).Pada jaman yang modern dan perkebangan teknologi elektronika sudah semakin maju, masih banyak portal security masih manual. Dilihat dari sisi perkembangan jaman portal security secara manual sudah tidak efektif lagi, jaman sekarang semua sudah serba otomatis, maka penulis mencari pengembangan portal security manual. Sehingga penulis menggambil judul proyek akhir Portal Security.Portal security yang penulis buat adalah pengembangan dari portal security manual ke semi otomatis. Selain mengikuti perkembangan teknologi, portal security ini dapat mempermudah petugas security menaik dan menurunkan palang security, dengan menekan tombol naik palang akan bergerak naik, bila menekan tombol turun maka palang akan bergerak turun. Portal security yang penulis rancang merupakan serangkaian alat elektronika yang tersusun dan yang dikendalikan dengan push button. Portal security ini masih menggunakan relay untuk membalikkan arah putaran motor DC dan motor DC 12 V untuk menggerakan palang portal naik atau turun. Ada pun jenis komponen elektronika yang tersusun, adalah Motor DC 12Vdc, Relay 12V, Push Button, Limit Switch. Cara kerja Portal Security ini, bila ditekan push button warna merah (naik) maka portal akan bergerak naik hingga limit switch bawah aktif, dan bila limit switch bawah sudah aktif maka motor DC akan berhenti dan bila ditekan push button warna hijau (turun) maka relay membalikkan arah putaran sehingga palang portal akan bergerak turun hingga limit switch atas aktif, dan bila limit switch atas sudah aktif maka motor DC akan berhenti. Portal security ini dapat digunakan dalam lingkup perumahan.en_US
dc.publisherPoliteknik Negeri Batamen_US
dc.subjectTeknik Elektroen_US
dc.titlePortal Securityen_US
