Sistem Monitoring Anak saat Berkendara Sepeda Motor untuk Orang Tua dengan SMS
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
Saragih, Dhany Marthin
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
To prevent the violations committed teenagers in driving motorcycle, then it can be done with a system of monitoring of motorcycle speed and accident information system through by SMS. The purpose of this research is the parents can monitor their child while driving motorcycle. To detect the speed, system using inductive proximity sensor. If the speed exceeds a certain limit, then system will give a warning and the system will send SMS warning to parents. Whereas to know an accident happen to the child, the system will detect
the tilt on motorbike with ADXL345 accelerometer sensor, the slope in question is the slope when the motorcycle fell away. Then the system will read the coordinates of the accident location via GPS. The GPS data then parsed into a link. So if an accident happen on the child, the parents can find out the location quickly by pressing the link. The experiment results indicate when motorbike fall to left or to right direction, system will be detect that condition as an accident. Whereas the SMS alert will be sent only if the speed was more than 65 Km/h for more than 3 seconds.
Teknik Elektro, Elektronika, Manajemen dan Ilmu yang Berkaitan, Ilmu Ekonomi