Rancang Bangun Dc-Dc Converter Dan Konfigurasi Lampu Led Pada Lampu Teras Belakang Laboratorium Workshop 7 Dengan Menggunakan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (Solar Cell)
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
Sitanggang, Sufridanto
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
Solar energy is energy that can be utilized to generate electrical
energy. Solar energy can not be directly utilized directly, to utilize solar
energy into electrical energy, still needed equipment such as solar cell
(solar cell) to convert solar energy into electrical energy that will be
used to turn on the light automatically by using ldr sensor as its
automatic tool . With the problem, the authors have made solar panels
that serve as pensuply electric current.In making the author using the
charger controller so batreai not easily damaged. The result of this
research is the power generated from the total output power required on
the lamp is 0.2429 watt, and the energy generated in the period of 8
hours is 1,943 watts. So to run this terrace lamp automatically for 8
hours it takes 1 battery 12v 100 Ah and 1 solar cell with 100wp (peak
wattage) capacity.
Teknik Elektro, Teknik Elektronika, Cell Solar, Charger Controller