Implementasi Recommendation System untuk Website Pengiklanan Jasa “”
Repository Politeknik Negeri Batam
Purnama, Andriansyah
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
The increasing number of internet users, has attracted various business ventures to take
advantage of internet facilities. The Internet can provide facilities to market products and services online such as online buying and advertising online. Buying and selling online can be called e-commerce. Most existing e-commerce provide product selling services, there is no specifically handle the services. From these problems, advertising service websites are created that handle advertising services.
If usually an advertisement using paper, newspaper and catalog printing will save a considerable cost higher cost to be lowered. Using this advertising website, people can find information for services around them online, people do not need to go around just to get the services they are needed.
From these problems, a website that can handle that problems is required. That website
developed using PHP, Codeigniter Framework and Recommendation system method. This
website have rating and review features to display services based on customer ratings and
reviews. Therefore we expected can help people to decide the related and reliable services.
Teknik Informatika, Informatika, Ilmu Komputer, Pengetahuan, Sistem