Aplikasi Keterhubungan Antar Matakuliah Menggunakan Metode Asosiasi

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Mahmudah, Hafizatul M
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Politeknik Negeri Batam
This Final Project “Application of Connectedness between Courses using Association Method” is one of the features or applications to determine which courses that inter-related or associated, so that it can help lecturer in reviewing related courses in previous semesters, and which subjects should be further strengthened, so inter-related courses can be further increased. Making this Application of Connectedness between Courses using Association Method requires an algorithm that can find frequent itemsets that can be run on a set of data. The algorithm is Apriori. The rules or methods to be used in the course of data processing is Association Rule. Association Rule function to identify frequent itemset and establish rules of the itemset association. Frequent itemset is a itemset which has a frequency of occurrence over the value of predetermined minimal support or which has itemset frequency ≥ Φ. Example, Φ = 4, itemset that occurs more than 4 called frequent. As for supporting applications that are used in making application are Microsoft Visual Basic dan Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and using Visual Basic 6.0 (VB 6) as programming language.
Teknik Informatika, Informatika, Ilmu Komputer, Pengetahuan, Sistem, Application, Courses, Association Rule